Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's finally time!

I have a confession to make. I'm a virtual Peeping Tom. For the past year I've read blog after blog on my lonely nights while Rob is working late. I feel like I've caught up with old friends, only to realize later that they don't even know that I read their blogs because I never comment. I've even clicked on your friend's blog to see if I somehow know them and can tap into the "7 Degree of Separation" only to say at some point "I didn't know you knew him, too" (which is funny because that would involve posting a comment and I already told you, I don't do that). I must admit -- I'm a blog-aholic and I don't even have a blog. Friends have asked why I don't blog and my I-just-crack-myself-up response has always been, "I don't love my kids enough to have my own blog."

While I absolutely love reading about my friends . . . and their friends . . . and their friends lives, so many posts revolve around the cute things their kids do and say. Don't get me wrong - your kids do do and say funny things and I've enjoyed reading about them but I just couldn't justify starting my own blog that, in turn, became an outlet for me to tell you about Brock. And don't get me wrong again, he does do and say funny things, like today when he decided to go commando while I was nursing. But I want my own blog where I get to be sarcastic, be funny, and be sappy and be me.

So here's where my life gets funny. I had a second baby. Suddenly, I'm a mom and I can't escape kids. Only having one kid kind of slows you down but you are still you and you still have free time. Having a second baby make you a MOM. I now eat, drink, (rarely) sleep kids. So why not blog about this new life and be sarcastic and funny and sappy and me. I'm in. Here it is. I finally love them enough to blog.


Kelly M said...

Hooray! Welcome to the blogging world! I'm excited to spy on your life. And congrats on baby #2- I had no idea! So, welcome to motherhood too, I guess. :) It's a great fun adventure! Anyway, I'm excited to read your sarcastic/sappy/whatever you said posts. It's been too long since I've gotten to hear it in person!!

Vanessa said...

Are you sure you're you??? I'm not sure this is the Anne I know....where is she and what have you done with her? By the way, for what it's worth, after having Amy, I spent days in "therapy" with Michelle pleading with her to tell me it gets better. You're in the thick of it...and yes, it has gotten better. MUCH better:)

tyler and minde said...

Final - I've been waiting since, I don't know you left NYC for this moment. Welcome and don't worry my sister calls me a "blog stocker" and yes I read them while tyler works late nights as well.

Tiffany said...

Yeah!!! Good for you and good for us. Now we can see your cute family! I have a blog too. Let me know if you need the address.
Love you,
Tiffany Larsen Hale

Tender Mercies said...

I'm so excited! Pleased as punch. Whatever that means! I miss you! I'm going to NYC this weekend and I wish you could be there!
Jenny Reeder

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

I'm also a blog stalker...remember I'm the one who found your last sort-of blog. I'm so glad to get a chance to hear more from you and hopefully a chance to also see pictures of you and your family. We miss you tons! Yay for blogs!

Alyosha said...

I've been hoping for an Anne blog. This will be great!

Kimber said...

Yay! So fun to hear from you and to know that I can now virtually stalk you and the boys whenever I want! I'm definitely looking forward to all the updates -- and demand a cute family pic ASAP!

Nanette said...

We'll good for you! I actually started one about a month ago and I am already behind in my postings. We need to catch up, I will email you.

Mindy said...

I am so excited! This is a mother's day gift to all your friends! We can all read your blog instead of tending to our kids. I hear that instills independence.

Mindi said...

yay annie! loved your first post. now you just need to post pictures of that little commando (but you can put clothes on him first if you like) and Drew, whom I still haven't seen. Are you sure he really exists? Hmmm...

emilyaaa said...

i've been waiting for this day for so long. when i read the subject of your email - "i'm on the wagon"- i stopped and pondered all the possible meanings that might have. i tried, oh how i tried, to not get my hopes up -- for fear of being sorely disappointed. but you didn't let me down!!!!!! May 6th is going down in my book as more than just my mom's birthday--it's the day my bloul (blog soul for those of you who don't know this term that i just made up) became complete.

Looking forward to many clever posts (no pressure), cute pics of your kids (no biggie), and perhaps, just perhaps, a comment or two from YOU on MY blog!!

Amy said...

Cool Anne! I think you can count on me for stalker status, but this is a new world for me. Hold your breath guys.... this is the first one I've ever read or posted to. Is blogging like Facebook?? Not that I have that either... anyway looking forward to reading more and I even see you all the time!

Randi said...

Oh, Bananie. How I miss you. You probably don't believe that since I haven't been in touch with you for so long, but it is very true. I do a fair share of blog stalking myself, and I'm so glad to be able to add yours to my daily rounds.

And I know what you're sayin'. Because I am still childless, I am also therefore blogless. Someday I will have children to love and blog about. And as awesome as my friends' kids are (and I truly do adore them and think they're amazing) I sure love hearing about the thoughts/feelings/adventures of my friends themselves. Can't wait to catch up.

Unknown said...

Wow! Now if we can find time for lunch life will be perfect. Now it's time to add pictures...

Anonymous said...

Anne!!! So good to hear from you. I've missed you over the years--now I can get my Anne-fix. So sad you're on the other coast. . . I can't wait to see pics of the two kids and hear about your life, thoughts, etc!
Hugs and much love!!

*katie said...

I can't wait to read more:)