Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lesson Learned the Easy Way

So my Mother's Day was nothing exciting. In fact, it was a little lame. Rob has had insane hours recently and desperately needed to sleep as much as he could on Sunday so he got to take two naps. I thought the moms were supposed to get naps on Mother's Day. Not at our house.

Drew woke up too early from his nap so my quiet time while all three boys were sleeping suddenly turned into nursing time. When Drew finished up I was bouncing him on my knee when suddenly he smiled the biggest and longest and gummy-est smile he has yet to give me. I swear he was hitting on me. He just kept smiling for about 5 minutes. As my eyes were welling up with tears over how much I love our new little addition, it dawned on me. I am a Happy Mother indeed.


Marci said...

Ha! Anne! So, Zack smiled at me during one of our 2am rendezvous and I thought... if he would just do that every time, it would TOTALLY be worth it to get out of bed!

Love the pic. I see Brock's hair has grown a bit since we last saw him. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE grow it out again. :)

Mindy said...

I love that picture of you and your boys! Yeah I think it's a second child thing, whenever I think I am about to lose my mind Aubrey will just do something super cute. A smile, a pat on the back. It really makes it all worth wild.

Ashley said...

How adorable! Will you post an up close pics of your boys? They've grown and I've only seen pics of Drew when he was just de-wombed.

Miss you!

Derrick said...

I agree with bostonroms--Brock's hair should be shoulderlength at least. :)

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

I love the pictures and too funny about the diapers! I am a loyal brand user myself, especially with pampers. Nothing else has worked as well or kept him from breaking out. My mother's day was not my favorite but when Morgan smiles and gives me hugs and kisses nothing else in the world can bring me down! You look so pretty in the picture and I can't believe Brock's hair. Drew is also a cutie!